A catastrophic injury is a permanent or long-lasting harm that severely damages a person’s vital body parts. You may feel overwhelmed trying to figure out what to do after experiencing a terrible injury. The physical and emotional pain, financial strain, and legal complexities can feel impossible to manage.
When you or your loved one live with life-altering pain due to someone else’s recklessness, representation from a compassionate personal injury attorney can make all the difference. A skilled Jackson catastrophic injury lawyer understands the nuances of cases like yours and is committed to fighting for justice on your behalf.
Catastrophic injuries can result from many situations. Sometimes, the cause is unavoidable or cannot be blamed on one party. In other instances, accidents that lead to injury stem directly from other people or entities’ negligent or reckless conduct. These may include:
These traumatic incidents can require expensive medical treatments, therapy, and long-term care. Automobile accidents are the leading cause, along with workplace accidents, violent crimes, and medical malpractice. A catastrophic injury attorney in Jackson can review the evidence of your case and explain your options.
Disastrous injuries can have deep, long-term effects on a person. Some common examples include:
These injuries have complex effects and can cause psychological trauma, loss of income, and lower quality of life. A Jackson lawyer with experience in catastrophic injury claims will account for how you have been affected when fighting for your damages to ensure your claim covers both tangible and intangible losses.
Four factors must be established to prove the injuries sustained during the incident were due to the other party’s negligence.
First, there must be a duty of care, which is when the guilty party has an obligation to behave in a manner that would not cause harm to others. The second factor is a breach of duty of care, meaning the guilty party has violated or failed to uphold their obligation to not harm others. Third, the injured party must show that they suffered harm. The fourth factor is the breach of duty of care by the guilty party, which caused the pain or loss.
To prove negligence, a reasonable person must believe their action or inaction could lead to the suffered damage. The injured party must also show that a reasonable person would not have acted in the same reckless manner in the same circumstances. A Jackson attorney can prove the four factors and show the other party’s negligence caused your severe injury.
You or a loved one should not have to suffer financially due to another person’s negligence. The law can assist you in making sure you can recover financially from the painful injuries you sustained in an accident. Every case is different, and every detail matters to the right attorney.
You do not need to go through the legal system on your own. Scheduling a meeting today with a Jackson catastrophic injury lawyer is the first step on your path to recovery.